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After you have been in an accident, it is difficult to choose the right attorney to represent you in your personal injury case. It is crucial that you find an attorney who is specifically qualified to handle your case. We understand that life can be overwhelming during this traumatic time, and your focus should be on receiving proper treatment and recovering from your injury.

No matter what type of accident caused your suffering, Donovan Law is available to answer your questions, investigate the cause of your accident, and fight for your right to financial recovery. 


After a car accident, you may be wondering whether you have a case and whether you even need to seek legal representation. Depending on the circumstances, it may be in your best interest to hire an attorney with the experience to evaluate your case, determine responsibility, and recover full compensation for your injuries. This is especially true if you or a loved one has sustained long-term or permanently disabling injuries in the accident.

Donovan Law is experienced in handling car accident cases from the initial stage of filing your claim, negotiating with insurance companies to maximize your recovery and, if necessary, defend your right to fair compensation through the litigation process.

If you have already received a settlement offer from an insurance company, we can evaluate that offer for you. Typically, insurance companies will attempt to pay as little as possible, avoid taking responsibility, and withhold payment until another source pays the bill.

Regardless of fault, if you or a loved one has suffered an injury as a result of a car accident, Donovan Law can help you through the process. Don’t wait until it is too late to start your claim.


This area of the law is complicated, and the process can be overwhelming without the knowledge and guidance of an informative and respectful attorney. In most circumstances, you and your family deserve financial compensation for catastrophic and expensive losses, including but not limited to:

    • Medical Expenses
    • Funeral Expenses
    • Loss of Support
    • Loss of Services
    • Loss of Consortium
    • Pain and Suffering Experienced by the Decedent Prior to Death

We will analyze all angles of a wrongful death case through collaboration with medical professionals, forensic specialists and economic experts.


Slip and fall accidents are the most common premises liability cases, sending millions of people to the emergency room every year. If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident due to the negligence of another, you are probably in a lot of pain that is preventing you from carrying out your daily activities, including going to work and caring for loved ones. There are many proof elements and hurdles to overcome with premises liability cases. Donovan Law will evaluate the facts of your case for free and provide you with an initial opinion on the merits of your case.


Every year, thousands of people are seriously injured or killed in motorcycle accidents. In 2017, the U.S. Department of Transportation reported that a total of 5,172 motorcyclists died in crashes. Additionally, the number of motorcycle deaths in 2017 has doubled in the last 20 years.

Motorcycles are a popular mode of transportation for many people, however, they are far more dangerous than traveling by traditional modes like a car or bus. Motorcycles are not as stable as a car and also less visible to other motorists. Since a motorcycle driver is exposed with no protective barrier like a car, the very nature of the motorcycle creates a greater chance of serious injury or death.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one as a result of a motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Please contact Donovan Law to learn more about your rights and options.


If you have been injured as a pedestrian or in a bicycle accident, it is difficult to determine the next steps you should take. These types of accidents are more likely to result in serious injuries and fatalities because the victim lacks any physical protection. If you were hit by a car, the at-fault driver’s auto insurance policy can provide funds to pay for damages. The victim’s own policy may be available as well. You need an attorney specifically qualified to evaluate the facts and issues related to your pedestrian or bicycle accident, and fight for the recovery you deserve!

Frequently Asked Questions:

What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

The first thing you should do is call the police to report your accident. If possible, take photos of the accident scene and all vehicles involved and obtain any witness information if you can do so. Keep in mind that you may not feel injured right after the accident. However, the extent of your injuries may not be apparent right away and you should seek medical care to attend to any injuries you may have sustained in the accident.

You should confirm that your auto insurance policy includes uninsured motorist (UM) and under-insured motorist UIM) coverage. This coverage will protect you from at-fault drivers who do not have liability insurance to pay for your claim, and you will be able to collect payments from your auto insurance company.

If you have suffered an injury as a result of a car accident, a personal injury attorney can help you start a claim.

When Should I Call a Personal Injury Attorney?

You are not required to hire an attorney if you are injured in a car accident, but it may be in your best interest to seek legal representation. This is especially true if you or a loved one has sustained long-term or permanently disabling injuries in the accident.

What If the Other Driver’s Insurance Company Contacts Me?

If the other driver’s insurance company contacts you, it is important that you do not provide a statement until you have consulted with an attorney. Keep in mind that the insurance adjuster assigned to your case is responsible for gathering as much evidence as possible in order to evaluate the claim and negotiate a settlement quickly. The adjuster is not looking out for you and does not care about the injuries you have sustained, or how it will affect your quality of life. The insurance company is only concerned about how your claim will affect its bottom line. An attorney can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf.

Another important reason why you should contact an attorney as soon as possible after your accident is because there is a statute of limitations for personal injury cases. Texas gives you two years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit against the negligent party. While this may seem like a long time, it can go by rather quickly if you are recovering from serious injuries. If you do not file your lawsuit before the statutory window closes, the Court will likely refuse to hear your case and you will not be able to recover the compensation you deserve.

Will My Case Go to Trial?

Most personal injury cases are resolved by settlement and do not go to trial. A case is more likely to go to trial if there are disputed facts or a contested legal issue, and the court may rule either way. An attorney can help you prepare for what to expect with your case.

How Long Will My Case Last?

Some cases can resolve in less than one month without any formal litigation. Your attorney may be able to work directly with the other party, their attorney if represented, or the insurance company to reach a swift resolution. If your case is in the minority and proceeds to litigation, this can continue for a year or longer. Most cases fall somewhere in the middle. You do have some control over the length of your case because it is ultimately up to you to accept or reject a settlement offer.

How Much Will My Personal Injury Attorney Make From My Claim?

Donovan Law will take your personal injury case on a contingency basis with no money up front. If you succeed in your case by recovering a settlement or winning your case at trial, a personal injury attorney will take a small percentage of your recovery for their services. An attorney will also deduct any up-front costs they paid for you to proceed with your case. It is important that you ask questions so you understand how the attorney is going to get paid. We are happy to discuss our fee agreement with you.